Istoria Books (eBooks You Want to Read at Prices You Want to Pay - TM) is looking for submissions -- especially romance or mystery/thrillers.
The new epublisher, founded in 2010, has a small but acclaimed inventory where several books debuted in the Top 100 in their category on Amazon.
One of Istoria's books, an inspirational romance, has been in the "Top 100 Historical Romances" in both books and ebooks for several months.
Istoria is open to most fiction (sorry, no nonfiction) but is particularly interested in the following at the present time:
* inspirational romance
* contemporary or historical romance (but not erotica)
* mystery/thriller
* inspirational romance
* contemporary or historical romance (but not erotica)
* mystery/thriller
Interested writers should send queries with a brief summary of the completed book, the genre, the approximate word count and writing credentials to:
Istoria Books is a selective publisher. They offer royalty splits with authors, but no advances. They do not require authors to "earn out" expenses (such as cover art, editing, formatting and other costs) before royalties are paid. See their website for more information: